Schneider ST9431B | Trailing lead, Unica extend, 3 Schuko, swicthable, 1.5m cable, anthracite 1 × EGP358
Subtotal: EGP358
9012GAW6 | Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 5.0 to 250 PSIG
A9F77120 | Miniature circuit-breaker, Acti9 iC60N, 1P, 20 A, C curve, 6000 A (IEC 60898-1), 10 kA (IEC 60947-2)
A9F77310 | Miniature circuit-breaker, Acti9 iC60N, 3P, 10 A, C curve, 6000 A (IEC 60898-1), 10 kA (IEC 60947-2)
Schneider A9HD324XIR125 | Acti 9 Vertical TPN 24way with 3P 125A Dual incomer provision